
I have been working since I was eleven. I worked to pay for my school clothes. I worked all the way through college, trimming my course load to make sure I had several full 9-5 days to spend in the office. After graduation, I had to keep working and paying the student loan bills. There were short stints between jobs — a month or two of freelance work. Time between jobs and time spent looking for jobs.

Thursday September 29th will be my last day at work. I have no plans to return. I promise myself that for at least 100 days, I will not do any paid work in my chosen career. No design, no coding, no marketing of any kind. No clients, and especially no boss!

Where did I get this number? 100 is the number of days that Washington State mandates be taken away from an employer you have been on (a benefits free) contract with for for 1 year. My husband did at least 3 of these rounds away from Microsoft. They were wonderful times where I would come home to a clean house and dinner on the table. He worked on all sorts of projects and the weekends were free for us to enjoy each other. I was always a little jealous. Now it’s my turn.

3 thoughts on “About

  1. Sheri Hauser says:

    Yay! I’m so proud of you, for allowing yourself to have this 100 day gift. I’m looking forward to following your posts and seeing what kind of magic unfolds around you!

  2. Rosie says:

    Go Harmony! Be careful… it may be addictive…

  3. […] I had dinner with my friend Harmony who is taking a 100-day break from working and blogging about it. Yesterday she shared an old photo of herself that gave her insight to one of […]

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